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Borghese Gallery Private Guided Tours

Discover the museum with our private guided tours! Reserved entrance, no need to queue and you can decide the starting time of your visit!

Borghese Gallery Private Guided Tour

Borghese Gallery Private Tour

Tour main features: Located in the tranquility of the Borghese Gardens, the museum started by cardinal Scipione Borghese is one of the most incredible collections of art treasures in the world.
In the rooms, that still retain the 18th century decorations, are kept the priceless collections of ancient roman statues, works by Bernini, and paintings by the likes of Caravaggio, Raphael and Titian.

Starting-Time: 8.30am, 10.30am, 12.30pm, 2.30pm, 4.30pm
Duration: about 2 hours and 30 minutes
Availability: Every day except Monday
Language: Any language you request

from € 32,90

Borghese Gallery Private Tour

See also:

The price includes

The price includes the guide service and the pre-booked entrance ticket for the museum.

No waiting in line!

Our guides

All our tours are lead by expert guides authorized by the city of Rome.

The guides are mother tongue or speak the requested language very well.


Scheduled exhibitions inside the museums during the year 2012:

Borghese Gallery: no temporary exhibitions scheduled.

Borghese Gallery Private Tours
Borghese Gallery Private Tours
Borghese Gallery Private Tours